Daryl Shows The Poconos

Extending the Life of Your Carpet
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Whether you adore your new carpet or can’t afford to replace it every few years, below are a handful of ways to extend the life of your carpet—even if you have kids and pets.

1. Lay down a rug in high traffic spots.  It may seem weird to lay a rug over your carpet, but in places that see a ton of foot traffic—like by the bed, couch or doorways—adding an extra layer of protection in the form of a rug or mat can seriously prolong your carpet’s life.

2. Vacuum frequently. Make sure you vacuum once...
Basement Flooding? Here's What to Do!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Anyone who has had their basement flood can understand what a hassle it can be to resolve the issue. Whether it’s a completely flooded basement, or water seeping through your walls, fixing these problems is a time consuming and expensive process. Although there’s no way to guarantee that your basement will never flood, there are some proactive steps you can take to prevent things from getting out of hand.



Properly maintain your gutters

Although the work to keep your drainage system in tact m...
Essentials to Pack in a Home Emergency Kit
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

One of the best ways to improve your household’s safety is to focus on preparation. If disaster strikes, your household could be without power and running water for an extended period of time. That’s why having an emergency kit filled with supplies is an essential home safety measure.

Remember, when packing your emergency kit, disasters can be different throughout the country. Depending on where you live, you could face flooding, blizzards, tornadoes, or hurricanes, so make sure you make your e...
Tips to Be Winter Storm Ready

Preparing your home for a winter storm can be a hassle, especially when done last minute, so make sure to plan ahead and take these necessary precautions this winter season.



Double check for supplies

You may think you have shovels, flashlights, and extra fuel ready to go, but don’t rely on last year’s stock to get you through the season. You don’t want to be forced to go on the dreaded last-minute hardware or grocery store run. If a storm is on the horizon, make sure to make a list of wh...
Negotiating a Clean Credit Report
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

A late payment on a credit bill or other debt such as a mortgage can have a significant impact on your credit score. And the higher your credit score is to begin with, the more it can fall after a late payment.

Paying your bills on time is the best way to avoid this. If you don’t make your payments and your account is turned over to a collections agency, you won’t be able to get that account current again. Late payments can stay on a credit report for seven years.

Before it gets to that point,...
Keeping the Holidays Merry and Bright
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

The holidays are often filled with a lot of hustle and bustle that can make it difficult to prioritize our physical and mental health. To help you slow down and focus on your own well-being, here are some tips for having a happy and healthy holiday.


Manage stress by planning ahead

One way to make the holidays as stress free as possible is to create a schedule for the weeks to come. This doesn’t have to be a detailed day-to-day schedule, but writing out all your responsibilities and plans for t...
Habits to Support Mental and Physical Health
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Between work, family, social lives and hobbies, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Below are a few things you can do to safeguard your physical and mental health:

Call a Friend
While our lives may be too busy to see our friends regularly, calling a loved one every day can help you feel a sense of community and belonging.

Touch Your ToesWhile hitting the gym or going for a walk are great ways to exercise, remember to stretch your muscles. At least once a day, take 5 to 10 minutes...
Daryl Beskovoyne
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