Daryl Shows The Poconos

Ready for Winter? Tips to Be Winter Storm Ready
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Preparing your home for a winter storm can be a hassle, especially when done last minute, so make sure to plan ahead and take these necessary precautions this winter season.



Double check for supplies

You may think you have shovels, flashlights, and extra fuel ready to go, but don’t rely on last year’s stock to get you through the season. You don’t want to be forced to go on the dreaded last-minute hardware or grocery store run. If a storm is on the horizon, make sure to make a list of wh...
10 Tips for Dealing with Bed Bugs
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

The familiar bedtime saying, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,” might be a cute little rhyme from our childhood. But when a home actually has bed bugs, there’s nothing cute about it.

Bed bugs feed on blood and cause irritating bites. It’s also a myth that these pests only live in dirty places; in fact, they can be transferred into a spotless home by humans or bug-infested items, such as second-hand furniture. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind in the unfortunate event that yo...
Tips for Keeping Your Refrigerator Clean & Organized
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

Refrigerators are often breeding grounds for unintended science experiments and forgotten food. But it doesn't have to be that way. Getting into a routine with better refrigerator organization can help you stay on top of the food you have, reduce your grocery bills and even facilitate healthier eating. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Invest in Organizers

The best way to keep something from getting lost in the back of your fridge is to invest in organizing containers. A Lazy Susan can he...
3 Tips for Ditching Coffee
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Looking to kick the caffeine? While a moderate amount of the buzzy stuff has been shown to have heart benefits, it’s easy to overdo it or find yourself addicted to that morning jolt. If you’re looking to slay your latte habit, consider the following tips.

Time it right. Quitting anything you’re addicted to is challenging, and coffee is no exception. Choose a time that will support your withdrawal. The Monday your big work project is due? Not the best time.

A long weekend is a great time to begi...
Essentials to Pack in a Home Emergency Kit
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

One of the best ways to improve your household’s safety is to focus on preparation. If disaster strikes, your household could be without power and running water for an extended period of time. That’s why having an emergency kit filled with supplies is an essential home safety measure.

Remember, when packing your emergency kit, disasters can be different throughout the country. Depending on where you live, you could face flooding, blizzards, tornadoes, or hurricanes, so make sure you make your e...
Habits to Support Mental and Physical Health
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Between work, family, social lives and hobbies, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Below are a few things you can do to safeguard your physical and mental health:

Call a Friend
While our lives may be too busy to see our friends regularly, calling a loved one every day can help you feel a sense of community and belonging.

Touch Your ToesWhile hitting the gym or going for a walk are great ways to exercise, remember to stretch your muscles. At least once a day, take 5 to 10 minutes...
Snack Foods You Want in Your Pantry or Fridge
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Whether it’s just you at home or you live with an always-hungry mob, snacking is a serious pleasure. Having a stock of delicious and nutritious snack foods can go a long way toward satisfying cravings without adding empty calories.

Besides having a variety of fresh fruits and cut-up veggies handy, nutritionists suggest keeping these snack foods readily available in your kitchen:

Nuts – An ounce or two of nuts each day can lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cognitive d...
Daryl Beskovoyne
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